running hand

英 [ˈrʌnɪŋ hænd] 美 [ˈrʌnɪŋ hænd]

网络  行书; 草书; 走手讲解; 草体


  1. He has grown more serious about running for president, although he refuses to show his hand.
  2. A long running process, on the other hand, can stop running and all features are permitted.
  3. Running the commands from the command line by hand is not really the way to follow the feeds.
  4. Whenever he spied children, he would come running, meowing frantically and bump his head against their hand begging for their love.
  5. In addition to a running to-do list, she writes reminder notes on her hand.
  6. Low cost items may not be valuable enough to warrant the cost of keeping a running record of the inventory on hand.
  7. Procedures drawn a running hand, scribbles, Wang wrote, Transmutation of HUI Zong, such as Sushi to 10 species of style.
  8. I could do this, by the way, by running the code and putting print statements in various places as well, but the hand simulation is valuable, so let me just start it.
  9. Even when he was running fiercely in the woods, his right hand never left the handle of his sheathless sword, a symbol of his reputation as a great agent, and a even better swordsman.
  10. The body is like a running machines, no matter where we are hand overdrawn, then are need to double compensation, sometimes even never to compensate.
  11. The policeman was running after the robber, with a gun in his hand.
  12. After running long without any tire changes, on the other hand, a car cannot run fast because worn tires cannot grip the road surface well.
  13. The utility model can be used for testing the running condition of an automobile engine and can be used as a mechanical hand ( a magnetic hand) to suck iron parts falling in the engine.
  14. It felt unreal. A pupil I have taught myself was running towards me, screaming, a pistol in his hand.
  15. So basically, these folks are running around exposing the fastidious hand washers among us to infections that can range from the pesky common cold to SARS, which can be fatal.
  16. His work the preface of LanTing Poems Collectionwritten in running hand is esteemed as the best running hand work inthe world.
  17. Xixi: Give up all the things I'll running for you! Take you hand for ever!
  18. It was not unusual for these running gentry, who carried it with a high hand, to quarrel in the servants hall while they were waiting for their masters and mistress.
  19. Chill sweat was running into his eyes, but he did not lift his hand to wipe it away& not yet.
  20. Running Y V Z plasty for linear scar contracture of the hand
  21. Part 2: general research about the morality of market economy. The author firstly states that the high efficiency of market economy lies in its running system and explains the moral meaning of the "invisible hand" and the moral value of efficiency;
  22. At present, the boiler running is controlled by hand in most enterprises of our country with uncultured technology, low using rate of resource, high working intensity, bad working condition.
  23. Study on Teaching Method Starting with Running Hand Training
  24. To construct "Requirement restrained form" in running system in defense economy, we should, on one hand, establish defense requirement and improve the system;
  25. However, Wang Xizhi` s main contribution is regular script, running hand and slightly cursive script.
  26. As the strong wind causes the standing vehicle slipping, traffic accidents may happen. In order to prevent wagon running away, more hand brakes are needed to be screwed down by hand. Thus, labor intensity is overwhelmed.
  27. In addition, the Japanese government hopes to reduce its running cost and increase the efficiency with the hand of civil power.
  28. This is because, on one hand, the running of vehicles will induce vibration of surrounding structures. On the other hand, the dynamic reaction of such structures will affect the stable and safe operation of the vehicles considerable.
  29. In order to reduce the cost of production and running, gradually, enterprises hand over non-core service activities outside, which is the formation of international service outsourcing.
  30. The service processes of service logic modules use the information commonly. On the one hand, it avoids reading the database over and over, and improves the running efficiency. On the other hand, it realizes data share among the processes.



  1. rapid handwriting in which letters are set down in full and are cursively connected within words without lifting the writing implement from the paper

      Synonym:    longhandcursivecursive script